The case for moving to Arizona

One of my very first bitches—indeed, one of my very first posts—on WmWms was on Daylight Saving Time.  Can’t say my loathing for it has waned at all.

In fact, in terms of day to day feeling, this kind of thing is the most direct reminder that I’m not 20 anymore.  Just making an hour vanish used to be a simple checklist item, as opposed to an unpleasant circadian event to which I must adjust.  (‘Course, in college I also did fine sleeping 1-5 for as long as three weeks in a row before it started catching up with me.)

I have a cold and would have liked to take NyQuil last night, but thought it wise not to combine that head-full-of-wet-sand feeling and the first DST Monday morning—a classic “pay now or pay later” scenario.  Now that it’s later, I’m glad I chose the former.

Grit your teeth and have an extra cup of coffee.

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5 thoughts on “The case for moving to Arizona”

  1. There is a simple solution Let’s make it Daylight Saving Time all year! We could even double or triple up. Dawn at 10 am and Dusk at 8 pm in February would work fine for me!

  2. I agree Lee. If they like DST so damned much, observe it all year. This BS of changing the clocks twice a year is absurd. Markey and Upton tried to defend their support of the DST measure by saying that it keeps kids safe on Halloween. That’s great! It’s only 7 1/2 months to Halloween. In the meantime we have kids waiting in the dark for school buses.

  3. Join my country – it will have SeesterStan-dardized Time. And it will never, ever change. My congress will be prohibited from silly lawmaking. I am going to apply the same reasoning that the military medical system (*cough cough dry run for national health care*) uses to decide whether someone can go to the ER – life, limb or sight.


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